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16 Mar 20

Can a small person realistically defend themselves against a larger stronger person?

Five self-defence techniques every girl should know.

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At TJK we often hear “Will that work for me?”, “Can a smaller person really defend themselves against someone who is bigger and stronger?” and “Can a girl realistically defend themselves against a man?”

There are a few questions at play here, but it comes down to this – can someone who is trained in Jujutsu defend themselves against someone who is bigger and stronger than them?

We have used a young lady being attacked by a man in this example, but it could be a child against an adult, or any other variation of large attacker vs small victim. What needs to be taken into consideration is that with each variation of attacker and victim the most likely types of attack change. A male will attack a female differently to how a male would attack another male and vis a vis. Likewise, a child attacks another child (bullying) differently to how an adult would attack someone. Therefore, you need a martial art that can adapt to different situations and evaluate the person being instructed and what is most effective for them.

At TJK we teach 3 stages of self-defence and personal safety.

Detection – Students are taught to be aware of their surroundings, spot signs of danger and take sensible actions to reduce the chances of being in unsafe situations.

Defuse – Students are taught to defuse situations, keep distance, bring attention to the situation and move to safety. Training Jujutsu also helps increases confidence and self-esteem which helps deter attackers.

Defend – In worst-case scenarios, there may be no other option but to engage and use Jujutsu skills to defend an attack. At TJK we train a robust syllabus of techniques which are effective, practical and based on most common attacks, police data and over 40 years of martial arts teaching.

In the above video, we give examples of a few common attacks that females might need to defend themselves from. The video shows how at TJK we train self-defence techniques that help to minimise damage and either move to safety or control an attacker.

Jujutsu techniques have been the basis for many military unarmed combat techniques (including British/US/Russian special forces and SO1 police units) for many years. Since the early 1900s, every military service in the world has an unarmed combat course that has been founded on the principal teachings of Jujutsu.

Jujutsu is referred to as the mother art, and it’s descendants include; Judo, Sambo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu (via Judo), Aikido, Hapkido, Catch wrestling, Bartitsu, German ju-jutsu, and Atemi Ju-Jitsu.

This gives Jujutsu a vast range of flexibility and the art has incredible depth.

The answer is yes, a student who trains in Jujutsu at TJK will learn several techniques that will help them to defend themselves and mitigate damage but also helps reduce the chances of an attack ever taking place.


Free Trial

We are so confident that yourself or your children will love Jujutsu that we give every new student a free class to come and give it a go. Just fill in the below form and let us know which class you would like to attend.

You just need to wear shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt or sports top (what you'd wear to the gym / P.E. ) and be aware that you will be training barefoot. A bottle of water is a good idea and if you have asthma please remember to bring your inhaler. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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